Select corporate communication productions and personal projects
(Note: each link in this section will open a YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn page in a new window.)
A site identity video that showcases what a day usually looks like at Nokia Technology Center Philippines Inc.
A feature story that re-explores photography, produced for Kabataan News Network
For almost a full day, around 50 volunteers in Manila painted walls and cleaned up classrooms.
This 3-minute story explores where the learning is in this intellectual type of role-playing.
Nokia holds an internal painting class for the benefit of Couples for Christ - Answering the Cry of the Poor.
To encourage internal employee mobility, Manila TC held a one-day fiesta featuring opportunities within Nokia.
Nokia employees engage young women in conflict with the law. Find out what the initiative is about in this clip.
Produced with client EnterPH, this sit-down interview discusses the strength of the Filipino manpower.
The first Quality Week in Nokia for 2019 kicked off in Manila. Watch what made this edition unique.
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